Awareness Means Duty TWITTER Tips, links, and info!


Glad you've come here and thanks for all you do in the name of the voiceless.

The focus of this page is to help those who want to know more about how to use Twitter and to small degree Facebook more effectively as an activist and to demystify some of the related jargon: #hashtags, how to effectively retweet, how to use a Tweetsheet, etc.  My special activist cause is to end the slaughter and sale into slavery dolphins and whales but the tips apply to whatever cause you might be behind.  My efforts also include the ending of canned hunting, the dog and cat meat trade, improving laws for animal welfare everywhere, ending poaching, especially of elephants, and  the end of one of the worst things we've ever created factory farming a.k.a. Institutionalized Abuse. 

Please take note, the format of this page will NOT be changing much.  It is basic advice for the first time Twitter user.  My hope is to cut into their learning curve to become more effective more quickly. This page is a collection of the stuff I learned from years of using this fast and effective tool! 

UPDATES for you page veterans will be in light blue! 

The links below are not only links but under them are the cut and paste links, too! 

Celebrities for Cetaceans and Day of the Dolphin USA are my pages, too. 

International Japanese Embassies and Consulates

Celebrities for Cetaceans!

  Day of the Dolphin USA        


Contact #Taiji Mayor Sangen to condemn the hunt. 
Write: or call: +81-73-559-2335.  

TWITTER TIPS has been moved here so that Page One can be the list of celebrities!


Social Media is becoming the key to so many things - some good and some bad but there are few things since the dawn of human interaction on a verbal then written level that have provided something as remarkable as Twitter. In an instant you can send a message to anyone almost anywhere… add a hashtag and depending on the moment and the interest - you reach thousands or milllions.

That said - no tool works well unless you use it right and when you use it long enough - some things become apparent that makes using it easier or more effective - so lets hop right in:

Twitter itself, but for the Internet and phone bill, is the right price: FREE… So are the most effective tools for using it.

First thing first: How do I set up a twitter account?  

Sometimes seeing is the best thing ... I screened several video presentations about how to set up and use Twitter and found the best one here. All step-by-step and NO jargon.  You will need to set up an email address for it unless you want, into one you already have, an email everytime you are mentioned, retweeted, or followed. 

Video 1 How to set up a Twitter Account

by FunWithThinking

This will lead you to a series of videos but no worries, they are all only a few minutes long. With a little patience and exploring this is nothing you can't figure out yourself playing around - that's what I did but this will get you up and going and able to be effective sooner!

If you only use Twitter on your phone - that’s great… EVERYONE helps. I don't very often so won't try to give advice on that.

If you do use it on a laptop or desktop I would encourage you to use it via a specialized program. The ones I’ll mention here can operate multiple accounts on twitter through VERY 

user-friendly controls and double or triple or …. your impact for a cause.

Get to know Tweetdeck! 

I haven't found a better constructed app for using Twitter.
 Tweetdeck  is the PENULTIMATE Twitter interface.  It can easilly handle more than one account. That's important, you'll NEED a back up account. 

Tweetdeck has a newly revised SUPERB interface that lets you tweet out more than just one account at the same time. If you follow both my accounts... which would be nice.. thank you... when you see @24CarlyS119 that’s me . @StellaM21826 is me, too, with no more than a second click to activate the 21826 account I send on both. 

I am sad that Tweetdeck is now a web-based app for new users.  I am a grandfathered in user of the stand-alone version but the look is the same.  Here is a screenshot of what is presented on mine. 

The only real deficit to having it not stand alone is that you can't manipulate the windows if you wanted to monitor Tweetdeck and Facebook on the same screen.  The workaround to that is put them in separate browswer programs.  I am a fan of Opera and a little known browser called Avant which both specialize in minimal diskspace usage and operate very well side by side. 

Mentions vs. Notifications

Mentions are when someone @s you directly  Notifications include a "blip" when someone follows you, retweets you, follows you or mentions you.  To see the added controls for each column, click on the circuit board looking icon at the top right of each column. 

I use yahoo for my email addresses for each twitter account because those bastards let people sell dolphin and whale meat.  Why use them?  Because I hardly ever check it... so I don't see their ads but I use their bandwith.... *snark*  You’ll need a separate email for each Twitter account you set up.

Next and I can’t emphasize this enough…


Stop for a second and click and build that network! Follow anyone who follows you. Now, do take a glance at their profile. If it’s blank or has only a few followers… there is a chance that it is just a spam bot -a computerized following account gathering data. The more followers you have the more bots you’ll get but they are just part and parcel of having this type of connection. Yes - we have cars and can get almost anywhere, but inevitably - you get a flat tire.

Now, don't try to follow everyone at once, especially on a new account.  Celebrities/political figures are treated differently. Following lots of them is okay but regular users Twitter flags you on the network as someone who plans to spam and you get suspended.  

Once you have reached 2000 followers - you can follow whatever number of people you would like.  Twitter assumes you are some kind of public figure at that point.  Personally, I think that number is kind of low but HEY... let's link up, network, and take advantage of it! 


Activism means BEING active.  Once you have a good number of followers ( remembering that there are human beings behind those screen names) it is a good idea to make sure you are NOT wasting follower space. Eliminate followers who are no longer active.  Give it a while before you do this - say.. six months your first time and every three months from there on out. Why use up follower space on people who are unlikely to do anything with your links and information?  You'll see a lot of helper apps out there to do this and if you are in a position and have a desire to pay a fee each month, they help a lot.  However, most of us are fine with the services offered for free.  

I googled "Twitter Management" and spent several hours testing them out.  My recommendation after all that had once been SocialOomph but my reccomendation  now as of Sept 5th, 2015 - is Crowdfire  CrowdFire   

The interface is very clear except for one thing! To log out you go to the three dots at the bottom left.  You can upgrade to a premium account but you can delete up to 100 inactive followers at a shot for free which is the best freebie I've seen yet.   

 Visit it regularly and that's more than enough for most accounts to be maintained well. 


Watching television, you often see #, which used to be the "pound" sign, in front of a show's title or its episode title or an amalgam of the two.  When the tvshow "24" did its ninth season "24: Live Another Day", the hashtag was #24LAD for example.  So, what is a hashtag?   

It makes you part of a conversation; it is a clickable link so that your tweet or mention of a subject appears in conjunction with ALL the others who have done the same thing - to the other users who are following it and, (more importantly) to the relevant "Powers that Be" who are monitoring it. Get enough of these going and a hashtag (mostly on Twitter - I've not heard of them being tracked elsewhere)... a hashtag is said to be "trending" meaning A LOT of people a
re using that same hashtag to have their tweet be counted as part of the virtual conversation. 

Hashtags are effective on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Vine, Tumblr, and Google+.

When writing hashtags NEVER uses spaces: #Tweet 4 Taiji will only make the #Taiji list when tracked.  If you want to create visible "breaks" in words, capitalize! #Tweet4Taiji is what you want. Numbers are fine -  #6 #33 #662 #21, etc. but ANY punctuation breaks the hashtag as described above.  If you #Tweet!4Dolphins it will only show up as #Tweet.  

Tracking hashtags can be done easily in Tweetdeck or Janetter.  When you see someone include one, click on it. In Janetter a column will open up immediately so you can see all the tweets that have included that hashtag. With Tweetdeck, a window will open up that will show you the tweets that have included it with an option to create the column if you want. 

One flaw to Janetter - you HAVE TO minimize it, if you click on your other tabs it doesn't do that on its own but for a first time Twitter application user it is by far the most user friendly.  
BOTH offer multiple account support! 

Remember what I first said: SET UP A BACK UP ACCOUNT!! 

One of the biggest benefits is psychological, when one of the things you care about has a hashtag column that is flying - you'll see how many people care about the same thing(s) you do!  


NEW AS OF 7/13/2018

You can tie your Facebook and Instagram accounts to Twitter? 
Log into your Twitter account, click on your profile logo  in the upper right hand corner.
From the popup list, select Settings and Privacy. 
Select Applications and then select from a list of available apps which ones you want to post to Twitter.  
NEW: you can post your Tweets now to Facebook!! 


NEW AS OF 11/24/2015


One of the most amazing tools for spreading and tracking awareness is the # hashtag. But there are a few things you need to be aware of about their use. 

A Tweetstorm is when A LOT of of people are  intentionally tweeting about the same thing.  It happens intentionally now but it is based on interested parties tracking who was saying what about their show, product, political movement, etc.  Once it became the norm to track them, then it became the norm to want them tracked! To help something get a lot of tweets being tracked people, with far better technical abilities than I, created what is called a "Tweetsheet" so that all that one needed to do was click on the "Tweet" button to be counted.  When you do, a browser tab comes open, sends the tweet out, then closes, leaving you free to move on to the next one.  

Often when one sees a fellow activist involved in a tweetstorm, the instinct is to RT to share the impact/information. Unfortuneately it's not that simple.  To  be counted, the tweet must be "Original".  Obviously from a Tweetsheet, unless you're the author, they're not TRULY original but to the algorithm counting hashtags... they are.  

A word of advice to those of you with the technical capacity to make Tweetsheets, please, about every tenth tweet, include one that reads: "To effectively participate in this Tweetstorm, please go to : (then include the link!) ". A good number of people might not see that advice but enough will to make that extra tweet worth it. Those who are tweeting your tweetsheet have follower's that you're not reaching who NEED that link. 

So... when are RTs useful?  If the tweet is only meant to share information, or share a link with your followers, a RT is perfectly fine.  It's not being "counted" it's doing its job. 

I get this question SO OFTEN that while I usually do updates in bright blue, this own is going to be GREEN and stay that way.  All other updates will be in the usual light blue. 

ONE MORE THING about hashtags - they are a great way to find others to follow like yourself, once again - BUILD YOUR RANKS.  


Hashtags are tracked by metrics that ARE way the heck above my ability to grasp (failed basic algebra 3 times)  and kept track of by the relevant "authorities" PR people and officials and so forth.  When you get thousands, tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people  on the same basic page - it gets noticed. 

The DOWNSIDE OF HASHTAGS... it's a relatively small one - you will get spoilers, like those who, for instance, are AGAINST your cause using them and you will end up seeing tweets that will piss you off.  Don't let them.  See my advice on trolls below.  It applies! 

Remember, even if it doesn't work the same as it does on the Twitter apps I mentioned, hashtags work on Facebook and the other social medias.  If someone logs onto them looking for information about their #seaworld vacation - we want our posts to come up that inform on the downside of Seaworld, not just the happy slaves Seaworld wants them to see.  Seaworld has people who know this and use it... we have to make sure we are present, too. If you recall, Seaworld came up with the hashtag #askSeaworld.  In hours, activists like yourself had turned it into a mockery of their brand and used it to highlight their abuse. 


Use these to have your comments show up on the subject's timeline.  Don't like something some one said or love it... remember when you comment or share to put @LeonardoDiCaprio or @BarackObama... or whatever.  That way you not only share and comment on something but you are sending it to its target again.  

NEW as of May 18, 2015: 

A good source of friends and followers... look at the comments under the posts of things your friends have shared.  ALL animal rights activists have a goal of spreading the word. Most of them will jump at the friend request.  Use your middle name and set up a separate page JUST FOR activism.  S Mae Sutkiewicz is my activist page.  There I keep my politics and other interests almost totally taboo unless some idiot politician has done something SO egregiously anti-environment that I shame them there!  E Mae Sutkiewicz is my personal page - there my politics and tv and fan stuff abounds  It's FREE!  Have at it! 

- DELETE all the @s in a RT -

Just send the article. If someone is upset that they didn’t get a credit in the RT - their heart isn’t where it should be. We should all be in this together. I am most familiar with TweetDeck. I have a role-playing account with almost 2700 followers as my default and have to be careful everytime to not send something out inappropriately to my timeline. However, because of that - I quickly became skillful at getting that window opened, the tweet edited, and sent in less than 10 to 15 seconds. Nope… it’s not simple as clicking “RT” but if it keeps your account from getting blocked… it’s important. We need your voice out there And remember … if you’ve sent up a second or third or whatever account - you’ve already magnified your impact and time efficiency toward having that hashtag counted and the article/info, etc. getting out there.

The @Barbi_twins are celebrity animal activists who actually block you from just hitting RT and force you to edit the tweet before sending it on.  I used to think that was annoying but then I realized it was the smart way to make things more effective. 


Definition: Someone who is using the hashtag themselves to tweet upsetting messages justifying or making fun of what you are trying to do.  It can also be someone who sees your tweets and is against your cause who then tweets to you to attack you.  I have had that happen a number of times when tweeting something biting to Caroline Kennedy, the mute and obedient, American ambassador to Japan.  She said something about America considering the drive hunts inhumane and them being against American policy and has said nothing since. (Recently when Ric Obarry was incarcerated under trumped up charges... she also did nothing.)  But I digress out of frustation... a few times after I tweeted to her, a supporter of the drive hunts tweeted me and told me to "leave her alone".  I followed my own rules!  

First up: Most of them have NO followers or are following themselves and a few skanky trouble-maker friends on multiple accounts, usually less than ten or twenty. 

These few accouts are FOLLOWING EACH OTHER and don't have a fraction of the followers you think in terms of real people.  

The more real people you follow the less of them you'll see.  There is one in particular dolphin-murder supporter who has been using #Tweet4Taiji to get noticed and has named their multiple accounts after sea-animals and stuff about eating all animals and who uses stuffed animals and cartoon animals for an avatar. 

There are also a bunch of fake accounts for Taiji fisherman; I’m 99% sure they’re fake because the last thing I’d want to do is be a Taijian dolphin killer with a twitter account. Who has the energy to be THAT hated??

 There is also another idiot out there trying to say he was raped by/intended to marry/etc dolphins. Considering how long they can spend underwater… I sincerely wish a dolphin would take him to her favorite honeymoon spot under the Pacific. 

If it helps… picture trolls as they likely are… in mom’s basement… in a stained T-shirt with their hand down their… their side reaching for their 2,128th potato chip.

Trolls are not worth your time - in almost every case - they are reaching almost NO ONE …while reaching for themselves. 

They are having no negative impact on the cause being taken seriously because they are only there to frustrate you, not convince someone of the justness of their animal abusive cause.  Very few people see a hashtag and are going to take someone seriously who is making fun of people trying to be compassionate towards animals by saying they themselves have married one. 

 They just want to upset you - don’t let them.  Blocking them doesn’t work. It keeps you from seeing them on your own TL but once they put a hashtag in… you’re not blocking yourself from seeing it. If you have a hashtag open - you’ll see them - let them go and feel better about yourself that you can. 

Being ignored is what pisses them off. 

Do NOT answer the troll. 

Do NOT waste time on the troll. 

Do NOT waste energy on the troll. 

Do NOT lose focus due to the troll. 

The troll lives on your upset.

The troll lives to distract you from your goal.

Choose to take away their power. 

And yes… I know that’s hard to do but NOT with practice.

If you are on a laptop/desktop, manipulate the size of your screen windows so that you can quickly cut and paste links that went by maybe hours ago with out a lot of major opening and closing windows… bam… bam… send… out it goes.  

Notepad is great for this! Also links in Twitter shorten. Even the longest link will reduce down to about 25 characters.  If you're sending a link to a petition, a website, and article, or a Facebook page you'll still have plenty of space to tell people what it's about or include a link for a picture.  


Twitter offers you a marvelous thing that will save you follower space!! Instead of following every soul you might be interested in out there, you can categorize them for each account.  I have a list those who are activists, those who I follow because I like certain tv shows they are on, etc. 

In order for someone to be on a list, you DO NOT need to follow them. 

In Tweetdeck, if you Right Click on someone's profile link, their profile pops up, click on the arrow next to the follow button and one of the options is Add/Remove from Lists, click on it and any list you've created for your Twitter account will show up, check the box and without following them... you'll be able to see what they tweet if you open that list up. 

SWELL!!!!  How do I make a list?

From Tweetdeck you'll actually see an option that will walk you through the process VERY easily.  From Your Twitter page... it goes like this: Click on your profile picture, click on Lists, go to the bottom of the page to Create New List. A screen will come up to ask you to name and, if you want, describe it then click on SAVE LIST.  

SWELL!!! I made a list!  Now what? 

Go back to your home page, click on your Followers, once they are presented, click on the sprocket, click on Add or Remove from Lists and click on the List. No confirmation is needed and you're done!

SWELL!!  Where is it? 

On your homepage, click on your profile pic, select Lists again and you'll see it. Click on it and ONLY the tweets of those you have selected will appear. 

In Tweetdeck, click on the big plus sign to the left sidebar, click on Lists in the pop-up window and then select the one you want Tweetdeck to show and again... only the tweets of those you added will show! 

NOW… I’m NOT new to twitter by any means but this is my first foray into much more active activism and if there are ANY tips one can add to this please let me know. Everyone who has liked this page or seen this article - I ask one thing in return for the time and thought and effort it took to write it… SHARE IT! We can stop the slaughter at Taiji if we push hard enough.  

The Japanese use Twitter at 5 TIMES the rate of Facebook.  That means five times the possible impact to spread awareness.

The Japanese people are now more aware than ever... BUT still most of them
do not know about the slaughter, racist tweets are not only damaging but UNTRUE to begin.  With the advent of social media, their government can’t hide this crap any longer.  Don't drive in-country supporters away because of irrational hatred.  

Something else to be aware of: Japan may SAY it's a democracy but a great deal of the media is controlled and anchors and news reporters who speak their mind are being fired.  There is a UN investigation on the limitations being seen in their media.  The dolphin hunting industry is very much unknown there and whaling is only supported by 11% of the population but for the sake of pride and profits... the whaling industry is subsidized by the government and costs the people MILLIONS of dollars.  Some of the money for Fukushima relief went to support it.  SO.... hate to say it but if a disaster ever occurs in Japan... send them NOTHING.   

GET OUT THERE … You and everyone else you are on Twitter… and make a difference!!!!! 

Thanks -  and #tweet4Taij

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